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SMERSH is led by Comrade Monke. While it's a soviet organization, it has members worldwide. SMERSH has it's headquarters in a restaurant. They can be accesed by a secret wall in the storage room. It has members from multiple time periods and universes, making it multiversal.


Despite being a soviet organization, SMERSH often operates independently. It's goals are eliminating fascists and neo-nazis, counter-intelligence, extortion, weakening of the western powers, expanding the influence of the eastern bloc and of the organization itself, and world domination. While it officially doesn't align with any religion, it's leader Comrade Monke is a Christian.



  • This fictionalized version of SMERSH is open-source and as such can be used by anyone in any way you like for both commercial and non-commercial purposes as long as you credit it's creator, Konstantinos Petrou Kefalas (Or Captain jack sparrow123).
  • This fictionalized version of SMERSH was inspired by SPECTRE and the Monster Society of Evil.
  • SMERSH first appears in the flash fiction story Red Death's Revenge, written by it's creator.